Books etc

Book 1

In Book 1 in which Millie meets two electrons and her adventures begin, children get to know Millie and learn in a simple and playful way about electrons: the intrinsic nature of their spin, and their wave-particle duality. Children love this book. Here are some of their comments: I like Mil...…
in books

Millie micro nano pico

If you could use Millie's magic words and shrink as much as you wish, where would you like to go? Write or draw your answer and send it to Millie by email millie@milliem…
in exercises

Micro, nano or pico?

Search on the Internet the sizes of the following items in order to put them in the right category: MICRO NANO PICO Do you know of anything else to add to the lists?…
in exercises

Milli, micro, nano, and pico

Millie's shrinking formula was not chosen at random. Milli, micro, nano, and pico are prefixes (= a group of letters added before a word to modify its meaning) used in the measurement of smaller and smaller quantities. People are more familiar with the prefixes used in the measurements of larger an...…
in macroscopic concepts