Books etc

Millie micro nano pico

If you could use Millie's magic words and shrink as much as you wish, where would you like to go? Write or draw your answer and send it to Millie by email millie@milliem…
in exercises

Micro, nano or pico?

Search on the Internet the sizes of the following items in order to put them in the right category: MICRO NANO PICO Do you know of anything else to add to the lists?…
in exercises

Interview an electron

Millie needs you help to write a list of questions to ask the electrons. Write your questions and send them to Millie by email
in exercises

Home-made compass

Make your own compass Materials Needed A small sewing needle or a straightened paperclip. A magnet. A small bowl of water. A piece of cork, foam, or a small leaf (anything that floats). Instructions Magnetise the Needle Stroke the needle in one direction onl...…
in exercises

Magnet fishing

Magnet fishing is a growing hobby that involves using a long rope and strong magnet to retrieve lost or hidden metal objects in water. It can help to clean up waterways and improve the environment by removing discarded trash. Magnet fishing is possible because water does not block or weaken a ma...…
in exercises

Magnetic hunt

Discover which everyday objects are attracted to magnets. Materials Needed: A magnet (e.g., a fridge magnet or a bar magnet) A magnetic hunt chart that you can download here. Explore the house and make a list of the objects that you think will stick to a magnet and then test them. Re...…
in exercises

Making a magnet

How to make a homemade magnet Materials Needed A metal object that is attracted to a magnet (like a nail, paperclip, or screwdriver). A strong magnet. (Optional) A small bowl of paper clips or pins to test your magnet. Instructions 1. Choose a Metal Object Pick an item...…
in exercises

How strong is a magnet?

Measuring the strength of a magnet Activity: How Many Paper Clips Can Your Magnet Hold? Materials Needed A magnet. A box of paper clips. A ruler. Instructions 1. Set Up Your Experiment Place your magnet on a flat surface. Gather your paper clips in a p...…
in exercises