Books etc

Book 1

In Book 1 in which Millie meets two electrons and her adventures begin, children get to know Millie and learn in a simple and playful way about electrons: the intrinsic nature of their spin, and their wave-particle duality. Children love this book. Here are some of their comments: I like Mil...…
in books

Book 2

Book 2 in which a scarecrow gives Millie a brilliant idea about magnets is a humorous introduction to magnetism based on the orientation of electron spins. In this adventure, Millie wants to know what it is like to be an electron; she learns about magnetic fields, attractive and repulsive forces, a...…
in books


In Book 1, Millie is intrigued by the electrons’ pointy "hats" and curiously asks about them. She soon discovers that these aren’t hats at all, but a built-in feature of electrons known as spin. Spin is an intrinsic property of electrons and all quantum particles. An intrinsic property is a ch...…
in quantum concepts

Angular momentum

Angular momentum is about how things spin. It's a sort of “spinning power” of something that’s turning or rotating. Big heavy things that spin quickly have a lot of spin power. Imagine you’re on a playground merry-go-round. If you’re sitting near the edge, and the merry-go-round is spinning, you...…
in macroscopic concepts