Books etc

Book 8

Book 8 in which Millie wants to give the particles a sleeping lesson Millie micro nano pico Book 8 is for all the children who asked Millie to find out more about the inhabitants of Bosonville and Fermioncity. Millie knows that photons are bosons and electrons are fermions. In this adventure, she d...…
in books

Elementary particles

Around 2,500 years ago, the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus suggested that matter (= everything that has weight and takes up space) is made up of extremely small building blocks surrounded by empty space. These fundamental elements, which contained no smaller components withi...…
in history

What are Bosonville and Fermioncity?

The article on elementary particles explains that there are two types of particles: bosons and fermions. This explains why Millie’s adventures begin at the border between the territory of the bosons, Bosonville, and that of the fermions, Fermioncity. In Millie’s adventures, fermions live in Fe...…
in questions